What is your refund policy for subscriptions?
You may cancel a free trial at any time during the free trial period and incur no charge. For all initial purchases of subscriptions longer than one month, you may cancel during the first 30 days (calculated from the date of purchase plus any free trial period, if applicable) and receive a full refund. If the cancellation occurs after the first 30 days, you will not be eligible for a refund.
For yearly subscriptions, we will contact you within a reasonable time before the expiration of your subscription term to give you the opportunity to opt out of renewing your subscription for a further year. For all yearly subscriptions, you may cancel within seven days of the renewal date and receive a full refund.
All refunds will be given to the original credit card on which the purchase was made. Please allow a reasonable time for the refund to reach you or be charged back to your account.
To request a refund, please send an email to ________________________. In your email, please include the following information:
- First and Last Name
- Username
- Subscription type
- Email address used when subscribing
- Phone number including country code
- Country
Note: Cancellation e-mails sent after business hours will not be fulfilled until the following business day. After processing your email request we will send a reply, including confirmation of the cancellation.